Jun.-Prof. Dr. Eva van der Zee LL.M.

Hamburg University

Institute of Law and Economics


Eva van der Zee is a Junior professor (tenure track) in international law with a focus on behavioural law and economics at the Institute of Law and Economics at Hamburg University faculty of law since 2019.  Eva's current research focuses on the role and interrelation of formal and informal regulatory systems in promoting sustainable development using insights from the social sciences.  She was previously a postdoctoral researcher at the Strategic Communication Group of Wageningen University where she studied the interrelation between trust and governmental regulation to promote the resilience of agricultural production systems using qualitative research methods. She conducted her PhD research at Wageningen University, New York University, and the European University Institute, where she researched the regulatory space of public and private sustainability standards within international and European legal frameworks (including trade law, human rights law, and competition law) using qualitative and quantitative research methods. She holds two LLM degrees, one in International Trade and Investment Law at the University of Amsterdam and the other in Legal Theory at Utrecht University (cum laude).

Eva has published articles in Transnational Environmental Law, Journal of World Trade, World Competition Law and Economic Review and Sustainability, amongst others. In addition, she has advised governmental institutions in The Netherlands and published in Dutch (academic) outlets, such as Markt en Mededinging, on the role of law and policy to promote sustainable development. 


Hamburg University, Institute of Law and Economics

2019 - present: Tenure-track Junior Professor - Positive interim evaluation October 2021 (offers for assistant professorships at TILEC, Tilburg University (2018) and Utrecht University (2018), both declined) 

Wageningen University, Department of Social Sciences

2017-18: Postdoc Strategic Communication Group       

2015-18: PhD Law and Governance Group & Marketing and Consumer Behaviour Group     

Title: Sustainability standard-setting in the shadow of the law

Supervisors: Laurence Gormley, Katrien Termeer, Kai Purnhagen, Arnout Fisher

Reading Committee: Marco Bronckers, Giorgio Monti, Jules Stuyck, Peter Oosterveer

2012-13: PhD Law and Governance Group & Marketing and Consumer Behaviour Group               

European University Institute, Department of Law                                                        

2017: Visiting PhD student    

New York University, School of Law                                                                               

2016: Visiting PhD Student            

Utrecht University, Department of Social Sciences

2010-11: Student-assistant


European University Institute, Department of Law

2016: Academy of European Law Summer School: Law of the EU

Ius Commune Research School, The Netherlands                                                                       

2015-18: Legal research training program     

University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Law School

2011-12: LL.M. International Trade and Investment Law  

Utrecht University, School of Law 

2010-11: LL.M. Legal Philosophy (honours program) - cum laude

2005-09: LL.B. Utrecht Law College (honours program) with minor in Economics     

Dubrovnik University in collaboration with Utrecht University, Center for Entrepreneurship 

2008: Intensive course: Inclusion and Exclusion in Contemporary European Societies

University College Dublin, Sutherland School of Law 

2006-7: LL.B. Erasmus exchange

Niftarlake College Maarssen, The Netherlands

1999-2005: Secondary Science Education (beta)



Organisation of round tables in cooperation with United Nations University (co-organiser)

Establishment of Behavioural Research Approaches in International Law Network (BRAIN) (in cooperation with Anne van Aaken, Tomer Broude, Veronika Fikfak, Shiri Krebs & Daniel Peat)     


Member Faculty Council (elected in 2021), Faculty of Law, Hamburg University, Germany

DFG-sponsored conference "Sustainable Development and the Law. Potential and Challenges of Using Behavioural Insights", Hamburg University, Germany (main organizer)

One-day workshop: the Promises and Perils of the Social Sciences in International Legal Scholarship, ESIL-SEDI annual conference pre-conference IG workshops, Stockholm, Sweden (co-organizer)

Online workshop II: Behavioural approaches in international law, Hamburg University, Germany (main organizer)


Online workshop I: Behavioural approaches in international law, Leiden University, The Netherlands (co-organizer)


Three day workshop: Trust, resilience and collective action in bio-based production systems, Wageningen University, The Netherlands (main organizer)


Bi-weekly interdisciplinary academic seminars in behavioural science, Wageningen University, The Netherlands (main organizer)


Masterclass corporate social responsibility, Utrecht University, The Netherlands (main organizer)


Weekly academic lectures, Studium Generale Utrecht University, The Netherlands (co-organizer) 



Presenter (invited) Behavioural Approaches to Contract and Tort law (BACT) seminar, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 

Title presentation: The Effect of Mandatory Due Diligence Requirements on Corporate Compliance and Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives. Towards a Smart  or a Dumb-Mix?

Presenter (invited) Reinhard-Mohn Institut für Unternehmensführung Research Seminar, Universiteit Witten/Herdecke, Germany. 

Title presentation: How Do Changes in Legislation Influence Organizing in Voluntary Sustainability initiatives?

Presenter at Oxera “Net Zero Strategies: The Challenges for Government and Business”

Presenter at DFG-sponsored conference "Sustainable Development and the Law. Potential and Challenges of Using Behavioural Insights", Hamburg University, Germany

Title presentation: The Interrelation between Mandatory Due Diligence Legislation and Multistakeholder Initiatives 

Presenter at ESIL-SEDI Annual Conference, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden

Title presentation: How to Achieve a Smart-Mix of Public and Private Due Diligence Requirements Under the SDGs? Insights from Motivational Crowding Theory

Presenter at Compliance NET, University College London, London, United Kingdom

Title presentation: Beyond compliance: stimulating sustainable behaviour through incorporating behavioural insights into the interpretation and application of EU law

Presenter at the Society of Environmental Law and Economics, online

Title presentation: How environmental decision-making could be distorted by tunnel vision. An in-depth analysis of Dutch law and policy on environmental assessments

Presenter at Behavioural Approaches in International Law, Hamburg University, Hamburg, Germany

Title presentation: How insights on bounded rationality could inform the international law on environmental assessments


Presenter at 11th MetaLawEcon workshop: What do we value? Perspectives from law, economics, and law & economics, CEVRO Institute, Prague, Czech Republic

Title presentation: The role of economic efficiency in EU competition law towards sustainable development

Presenter at Authority Consumer & Markets, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Title presentation: Quantifying benefits of sustainability agreements under Article 101 TFEU in terms of human well-being


Presenter at SIDE/ISLE 2019 Annual conference, University of Milan, Italy 

Title presentation: Quantifying benefits of sustainability agreements under Article 101 TFEU in terms of human well-being

Presenter at International law conference series 2019, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

Title presentation: Socially responsible investment clauses in international investment agreements: a relational contract analysis

Presenter at Socially responsible foreign investment under international law, European Society of International Law, Catolica Global School of Law, Lisbon, Portugal

Title presentation: Socially responsible investment clauses in international investment agreements: an economic and behavioural contract theory analysis

Presenter at Competition law and sustainability: addressing the broken links, SciencesPo École de Droit, Paris, France       

Title presentation: Overcoming false choices and distorted decisions. Incorporating societal benefits under Article 101 TFEU

Presenter at Globalization of environmental law and the role of developing countries towards sustainable development, European Society of International Law, University of Cologne, Germany

Title presentation: Behavioural analysis of international law: the case of environmental impact assessments


Presenter at Ius Communce Conference, Utrecht University, The Netherlands 

Title presentation: Estimating human well-being under Article 101 TFEU

Presenter at Ius Commune doctoral workshop, Leuven University, Belgium 

Title presentation: Promoting effective sustainability food labelling initiatives through legal frameworks. Insights from legal and behavioural science

Invited keynote speaker at Next generation governance arrangements for sustainable global value chains, Consortium WUR, PBL, FSC, ITC, ISEAL, MSC, Oxfam, and others

Title presentation: Sustainability standard-setting in the shadow of the law

Presenter at WASS PhD Day, Wageningen University   

Title presentation: Overcoming false choices and distorted decisions: the potential of insights in welfare economics, behavioural science and moral philosophy to measure benefits of sustainability agreements under Article 101 TFEU

Presenter at Doctoral workshop on European Law, European University Institute, Florence        

Title presentation: Green pictograms on EU foods. A legal study informed by behavioural science


Presenter at Ius Commune Conference, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Title presentation: In between two societal actors. The responsibilities of SWFs towards human rights and climate change

Presenter at United Nations PRI-Mistra Academic Conference, Sigtuna, Sweden

Title presentation: The possibilities of SWFs to promote sustainable development. A qualitative study


Hamburg Universität Ideeen-und Risikofond 2021, Hamburg University, Germany

Funding for International Scientific Events 2020, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Germany

Hamburg Universität Ideeen-und Risikofond 2019, Hamburg University, Germany

Wageningen School of Social Sciences junior international research grant 2016, Wageningen University, The Netherlands

Nomination Best Master’s Thesis Award 2012 Utrecht University: Nominated by supervisor Tineke Lambooy (Utrecht University & Nyenrode Business University), with supporting references of prof. Benjamin Richardson (University of British Colombia) and prof. Beate Sjåfjell (University of Oslo).



Slow Food Youth Network               

2015: Participant interdisciplinary academy on improving sustainable food production

Utrecht University, Centre for Entrepreneurship. In collaboration with Rabobank

2010-11: Participant honours class Sustainable Entrepreneurship

School of Life, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Laos, China, Indonesia, Malaysia    

2009-10: Traveler

Enactus Utrecht, The Netherlands    

2008-09: Board member, supporting role in starting up (inter)national projects, building networks and relationships, organizing and promoting various activities   

ESN (Erasmus Student Network) Utrecht, The Netherlands     

2008-09: Committee member, organizing and promoting activities for international students  

Studium Generale Utrecht University, The Netherlands    

2008-09: Student-assistant, co-organizing academic lectures for university students

AEGEE (European Student Organization) Utrecht, The Netherlands  

2006-07: Committee member, organizing events for 100 students and coordinate volunteers




Mother tongue


Certificate: Legal English for Academic Purpose (20-07-07), Utrecht University, The Netherlands



Certificate: German level B2 (17-01-2019), Goethe Institute, Hamburg, Germany


Certificate: French level 4 (18-12-08), James Boswell Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Certificate: Intensive Course B1 (23-01-09), Institut International de Rambouillet, France


Mandarin Chinese 

Certificate: Mandarin Chinese level 1 (05-04-10) Manda Centre, Yangshuo, China